RoboKids (Primary school)

In the Robokids category, students will compete in the "Little Energy Hunter" competition presented by the Matata World Robotics Competition using the Matata platform.

The MatataWorld Robotics Competition is a grand event held annually on the Planet Matata. The energy of the competition spirit, has been broken down and scattered around the Planet Matata. To recover the energy of the competition spirit, the participating teams must embark on a tense and mysterious treasure hunt.

The teams are required to progress through the three stages of Activating Password, Collecting Energy and Guarding Energy. The aim is to cultivate childrens programming skills, logical thinking and teamwork through the STEAM competition.


General information:

1) Teams of 4 people can participate in the competition: 1 teamleader and a maximum of 3 students. The teamleader can lead a maximum of 2 teams in the same category, each student can participate in only one team and compete in only one category.


2) Only elementary school students of 6-10 ages can participate in the competition.


3) Qeydiyyat 15 sentyabr - 31 oktyabr tarxilərində davam edəcək.


4) Qeydiyyat bitdikdən sonra komandalara seçim mərhələləri haqqında məlumat veriləcək.


5) Müsabiqə haqqında məlumat və qaydalar ilə tanış ola bilərsiniz. -- PDF - V1





Covid Pasportu (və ya əks göstəriş)