RoboChallenge (Middle school)

"VEX Robotics" is an educational robot for everyone. Robotics is not only the future, but also for today. Along with programming, sensors and automation, students become more efficient in both 21st century skills and the skills they need to succeed in everyday life.

In addition to the science and engineering principles, "VEX Robotics" also encourages creativity, teamwork, leadership and optimal problem-solving among groups when creating models.


General information:

1) Teams of 4 people can participate in the competiton: 1 project leader and 3 students. The project leader can lead several teams in the same category, each student can participate in only one team and compete in only one category.

2) 11-14 year-old school students are eligible for participation in the competition.

3) Information about category registration, competition stages and rules will be shared in the near future.


Covid Pasportu (və ya əks göstəriş)