Hackathon (eng. Hackathon) — hacker neologism, it is a series of events where programmers (team) unite to solve various problems, develop projects and compete. The phrase means "hacker marathon" and has roots in the English words "hack" and "marathon". The main goal of the hackathon is to develop a variety of programs and tools over the course of the event, thereby enabling programmers and hackers to test their knowledge, collaborate and gain new knowledge in a competitive environment.
General information:
1) Teams of 4 people can participate in the competiton: 1 project leader and 3 students. The project leader can lead several teams in the same category, each student can participate in only one team and compete in only one category.
2) 14-17 year-old school students are eligible for participation in the competition.
3) Information about category registration, competition stages and rules will be shared in the near future.